Subtitle: For two centuries, the Black Magick Illuminati sought to take over the
"The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be fulfilled. As the principal agents of this Ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul. That requirement -- the signal that the Availing Time had begun -- had been accomplished just eight days before with the election of the latest Peter-in-the-Line." [P. 7; Emphasis added]
This Pope who would take the name of the Apostle Paul, was none other than Pope Paul VI, who became Pope on June 21, 1963. Few people know that, on that day, a grand merger of Satanic forces occurred that brought the
As a result, the
In the early 1800's, the Illuminati decided to infiltrate the Vatican from within, beginning with the infiltration of rogue priests within seminaries, graduating to control of seminaries, then moving to control of the College of Cardinals, and then finally, to control the Papacy itself. From the beginning, they calculated they might need all of 200 years to accomplish this goal. However, they knew they must control the Papacy with Black Magick, for their Christ -- the Biblical Antichrist -- could not arise unless the occult world was united under the Black banner. The Bible foretells that Antichrist will practice Black Magick Witchcraft, in Daniel 8:23-25. Listen:
"And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand." [Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary; Emphasis added]
The words we have highlighted, above, are perfect descriptions of a practitioner of Black Magick Witchcraft. A brief explanation is in order:
Fierce Countenance -- since a Black Magick witch or wizard has voluntarily given themselves up to the Dark Side, to the Dark demonic forces of Hell, they are filled with an anger and hatred that is truly supernatural. They will physically take on a dark, brooding look. Adolf Hitler is the most infamous example in world history, and pictures of him abound showing him very dark, very brooding. Freemason Aleister Crowley is another good example.
Understanding Dark Sentences -- When any occultist reaches a certain point in the development of his or her understanding of Witchcraft, they must make a choice: if they choose to use their occult power for "good", they are said to be following the Right Hand Path, and practicing White Magic. If they choose to use their occult power for "evil", they are said to be following the Left Hand Path, and practicing Black Magick Witchcraft. A Black Magick Witch or Wizard then practices "Dark Sentences" that wreak chaos, death, and destruction. A good example of this type of Dark Sentence is a "killing curse", where a demon is called into this dimension for the express purpose of killing an enemy of the coven; police departments are well aware of this type of "Dark Sentence", and they call it Psychic Murder. Such murder is impossible to solve because no human carried out the deed; since a supernatural demon carried out the murder, no clues are left behind which would enable police to solve the crime.
Craft to Prosper in his Hand -- Witchcraft has always been referred to in a shorthand way as "The Craft". Further, all rituals are done by the witch or wizard using their hands. The movement of the hands ceremonially is crucial to the success of the ritual of whatever kind it is.
Thus, Antichrist will practice Black Magick Witchcraft. This Biblical prophecy meant that the ultimate victory would belong to the Masters of the Illuminati. Thus it was that this ultimate capture of the
"This Bent Crucifix is "... a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ." (p. 72) On page 56 Compton prints a picture of the current Pope, John Paul II, holding this bent or broken cross, just as we have shown, at left. We encourage you to read the full report on this subject in RC100.
The Twisted Cross is very well known as a symbol of the Black Magick Antichrist to Satanists throughout the world. Further, Satanists around the world know the role of the Papacy in promoting this Black Magick plan. This fact is the reason Malachi Martin showed the Twisted Crucifix on the front cover of his
novel, "Windswept House"; this Twisted Crucifix is displayed prominently against the black-clad figure of the Pope in the background!
Now, let us return to the story of the official secret Black Magick ceremony to commemorate this Black Magick victory. It was held on June 29, 1963. I find it highly instructive that the specific day chosen for this black coronation was the 29th of the month, a day that adds to an '11', the number of Antichrist in both the Bible [Daniel 7:7-8] and in Satanic doctrine. After the public ceremony on June 21, the Black Magick ceremony occurred on June 28; however, it was to be a Parallel Ceremony, a ceremony which was to be held in two distinct geographical locations at the identical time. Malachi Martin explains in, "Windswept House". Listen:
"Such unobtrusive elements as the Pentagram and the black candles and the appropriate draperies could be part of the Ceremonial in
In other words, the required sacrificial animal, and the human victim, that could not be ceremonially murdered in the secret ceremony in the Roman Chapel within the walls of the
However, each gesture, each word, of the ceremony in the Roman Chapel within the
Through this Black Magick ceremony, the first truly Black Magick Pope in history -- Pope Paul VI -- was officially and powerfully enthroned. The Parallel Ceremony was absolutely essential, for the true merger of Satanic forces worldwide could not have otherwise occurred.
But, occur they did. The massive Satanic forces of Black and White Magic ceased their battling for supremacy, joining forces at the "Latter Time" in order to finally move the world into the
This grand merger of all Satanic forces meant that the Jesuits were now working for the Illuminati, not for the
The Pope was then chosen to be the top religious leader in early 1991 [Read NEWS1052 for full details]. Since the Illuminati is fully in control of the Vatican now, and since they plan on the Pope being the Religious False Prophet of Revelation 13:11-18 they have no trouble showing public obeisance to the Pope when they meet with him; thus, the Pope wears the white dress symbolic in the Zoroastrian religion of the Luciferian Sun God, while the Illuminists who meet with him dress in subordinate black [Read NEWS1608].
This fact is the one key element that the author of the Vatican Assassins simply does not understand. Nevertheless, his expose' of the
- Chart |
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E. Howard Hunt | ||
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Assassination of President Kennedy " |
As you carefully study the people of this chart, you will discover the names of the key Jesuit figures that play such a prominent part in this assassination. People like:
Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of
J. Peter Grace, Head of the American branch of the Knights of Malta. Grace was also appointed to a special investigative panel by President Reagan.
John A. McCone, Knight of Malta, and CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] member, was well known throughout the disastrous Vietnam War, one of the major planned wars of the Illuminati.
William F. Buckley, Jr., Knight of Malta, CFR and CIA, plus the Satanic secret society, Skull and Bones [Read NEWS1314]. Buckley has always been touted as a key "Conservative" that fights Big Government and its ever-increasing instrusiveness, demonstrating the truth we teach in Seminar 2, that the CFR was designed to turn out men and women thoroughly trained in the tactics of the New World Order, while graduating with a label they would carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Henry Luce, Time Magazine, Knight of Malta, CFR/CIA, and Skull and Bones member! Thus, even though he has such Satanic credentials, the Reverend Billy Graham counts him as one of his best friends. Graham said that, after their first meeting arranged at the
Lee Harvey Oswald was a low-level CIA/KGB agent who was used mightily to foster the ridiculous one-gunman theory of the assassination of President Kennedy. Any well-laid assassination will always have a fall-guy to whom the focus of the "investigation" can turn, thus drawing the attention of the average citizen away from the real culprits.
Gerald Ford, destined to become President after Nixon resigned, was not only a Shriner Freemason as reported by Vatican Assassins, but was also a member of the Bilderberg Group, one of the major Illuminist governing bodies.
Charles Colson is identified by Vatican Assassins as a "Pro-Jesuit Protestant"! This certainly explains the terribly wrong turn that Colson's ministry took, as he veered off into horrific apostasy, cooperating with the Pope, accepting the Templeton Award and generally leading trusting Christians astray!
Vatican Assassins correctly identifies the reason President Kennedy was murdered: he was going to take
It is no wonder the Jesuits took him out!
However, the Kennedy Assassination also bears large marks of Freemasonry. As I stated in NEWS1314:
"President Kennedy was planning to use the powers of his office of the presidency to fully inform the American people of the Illuminati plan to enslave us, and only weeks later, he was assassinated. However, his assassination was carried out according to the favorite number of the Illuminati, the eleven:
* Kennedy was murdered during the 11th month [November]
* Kennedy was murdered on the 22nd day [11 x 2]
* Kennedy was murdered at the 33rd parallel [11 x 3]
* Kennedy was murdered in the
Thus, Kennedy was murdered with the bold typical signature of the Illuminati, just as surely as the Number 11 formed the Illuminist signature of the attack on the
Vatican Assassins listed men involved in the assassination who were connected to the Jesuits, as we have detailed, above. Below are men involved in critical positions with the assassination who were Masons: [Taken from "Masonry: Conspiracy Against Christianity", by A. Ralph Epperson, p. 332+]
Earl Warren, head of the Warren Commission.
J. Edgar Hoover, a 33rd Degree Mason.
Further, Kennedy was shot in the exact location in which the legendary hero, Hiram Abiff, was struck by the three ruffians in the dramatic legend of the Masonic Lodge! As was Hiram Abiff, Kennedy was struck in the back near the area of the heart, the neck, and finally the head. The last blow killed both men.
Finally, the Illuminati signaled to the entire world that they were the force behind the assassination when they created the Eternal Flame monument to the slain President [Read NEWS1547 for full details].
Freemasonry thus has its fingerprints all over the Kennedy assassination!
Now, how can both the White Magic Jesuits and the Black Magick Masons be intimately involved in the leadership of the assassination of President Kennedy? One cannot possibly reconcile this question unless you understand that a grand merger of all Satanic forces occurred on June 29, 1963, at the secret Enthronement of Pope Paul VI!
The organizations set up by the Jesuits became the organizations of the Masters of the Illuminati on June 29, 1963.
We are now fully 39 years following that eventful, secret Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer, as described by Malachi Martin. World events have proceeded apace, and now the world stands trembling at the precipice the Bible calls the Tribulational Period, and its ruler, Antichrist
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