Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Meryl Streep and all the left-wing Hollywood fantasy land inhabitants

Note to Meryl Streep and all the left-wing Hollywood fantasy land inhabitants: Being famous, ignorant and loudmouthed is not an award-worthy achievement

(NaturalNews) The greatest mistake people like Meryl Streep keep making is thinking that they are experts in geopolitics and the structure of free societies. In truth, all the left-wing Hollywood fantasy land inhabitants are pathetically uninformed, unintelligent and largely unimportant to the real world.
They are actors, not analysts. They are experts in make believe, not experts in reality. They’ve become so good at the art of
impersonation and deception that they are even able to deceive themselves into thinking they’re the most important people in society. As a result, they may have pretty faces, but they have incredibly ugly ideas.
With notable exceptions such as Jon Voight — a true American hero — most of the actors in Hollywood are so out of touch with the American people that they have no clue how the real world works. I’ve actually had famous people call me and want to do interviews with me who were then completely shocked that I told them “no” because I didn’t think they were serious enough people to give a platform on Natural News.

Hollywood leftists are hopelessly out of touch with the real world

Famous people aren’t used to being told “no.” In the fantasy world they inhabit, everyone caters to their silly whims, and everyone says “yes” without critical dissent. This is exactly what makes Meryl Streep, Martin Sheen, Cher, Jimmy Kimmel, Matt Damon and a long list of other hopelessly “bubble minded” left-wing Hollywood types hopelessly out of touch with the real world (and frankly boring as hell to be around, because they have no meaningful ideas that matter).
They’re so out of touch that they don’t even realize the world is mocking them when they talk about politics. Hearing Meryl Streep talk about politics is a lot like listening to a Starbucks barista give you stock market investment advice. The total cluelessness of these people just astounds the senses and offends the mind. I cringe at the thought of wasting time hanging out with famous people who are completely clueless about world events. While I have many friends in Hollywood who genuinely are famous people, they happen to be the few who are well informed, patriotic and humble.

Meryl Streep leads Hollywood’s nauseating parade of stupidity and ignorance

A typical Natural News reader knows a hundred times more about geopolitics, finance and government than Meryl Streep will ever know… yet she parades around with an air of moral superiority that demands people listen to her analysis of world events for no other reason than the fact that she’s really convincing when pretending to be other people.
Meryl Streep: You’re an actor. Nothing more. Your opinions on geopolitics not only don’t matter; they are offensive to those of us who are real analysts of world events. Your secret recipe of ignorance and stupidity combined with arrogance and self-importance is frankly nauseating to every informed person in the world.
I still can’t believe Clint Eastwood was even willing to work beside you in Bridges of Madison County. Eastwood is a genuine American: Informed, hard working, courageous and determined. More importantly, Eastwood is a humble man who doesn’t run around demanding everyone kow-tow to his political worldview just because he’s a famous person.
It doesn’t even matter how many “awards” you’ve won from your fellow uninformed Hollywood cohorts. Honestly, to most Americans, racking up awards in Hollywood is of no more consequence than gaining bonus points in an arcade game. They’re both artificial realities — bubbles of self-aggrandizement that are completely isolated from reality. Win all the awards you want… you’re still completely clueless how the world really works and why the political philosophies you espouse always end up creating murderous tyrannies and endless human suffering. Until you learn real history and understand the cycles of human liberty and tyranny, you should shut your trap unless you’re playing a character, in which case we already know everything you say is “pretend.”

Meryl Streep exemplifies the crude intolerance and bullying of the Hollywood left

Meryl Streep, let me give you an actual lesson in reality. If you want tolerance in the world, stop being intolerant. If you want people to be treated with dignity, stop insulting the incredibly diverse athletic competition known as MMA. If you want to be taken seriously as a political analyst, stop being an actor and learn something real about geopolitics.
If you want to be taken seriously as a person, stop spending your life pretending to be someone else.
If you want to be respected for your ideas, discover ideas that aren’t rooted in delusion.
If you want to make the world a better place, first get out of your delusional bubble of Hollywood elitists who are completely clueless about reality.
If you want to live a life that matters, then you’ll have to do more than just “play pretend” in your fantasy bubble known as Hollywood. Wake up and look in the mirror: You are famous, but unimportant. You are well known but widely despised. You have influence and a voice, yet you use it to spread lies and disinformation. You abuse your celebrity, you insult your audience and you further cement the widely held belief that most people in Hollywood are delusional, disconnected morons when it comes to the real world.
Frankly, you’ve just given millions of Americans one more good reason to turn off the TV, stop watching Hollywood left-wing propaganda and start doing something that matters in the real world.
You are offensive to the intellect, and an insult to the arts. If you want to live a life that truly matters, you’ll have to do better than being famous, ignorant and loudmouthed.
If you really want to understand the real world, call up Jon Voight, beg him for forgiveness, and ask him to explain reality to you. Until you do that, the consensus around the world is that you should #STFU and go back to acting. (Yet now, I can’t even watch a movie with you in it without unintentionally activating a gag reflex…)

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